



Be there or be one of these:


I bet that you love me like I love you
But I should know that gambling just don't pay
So I look up to the sky
And I wonder what it'll be like in days gone by
As I sit and bathe in the wave of nostalgia for an age yet to come

I always used to dream of the past
But like they say yesterday never comes
Sometimes there's a song in my brain
And I feel that my heart knows the refrain
I guess it's just the music that brings on nostalgia for an age yet to come

Ah nostalgia for an age yet to come
Nostalgia for an age yet to come

About the future I only can reminisce
For what I've had is what I'll never get
And although this may sound strange
My future and my past are presently disarranged
And I'm surfing on a wave of nostalgia for an age yet to come

I look I only see what I don't know
All that was strong invincible is slain
Takes more than sunshine to make everything fine
And I feel like I'm trapped in the middle of time
With this constant feeling of nostalgia for an age yet to come

Ah nostalgia for an age yet to come

About the future I only can reminisce
For what I've had is what I'll never get
And although this may sound strange
My future and my past are presently disarranged
And I'm surfing on a wave of nostalgia for an age yet to come

I look I only see what I don't know
All that was strong invincible is slain
Takes more than sunshine to make everything fine
And I feel like I'm caught in the middle of time
And this constant feeling of nostalgia for an age yet to come


tom waits, on tom waits:

Q: What's heaven for you?

A: Me and my wife on Rte. 66 with a pot of coffee, a cheap guitar, pawnshop tape recorder in a Motel 6, and a car that runs good parked right by the door.

i should be married to tom waits.


scratch that. but it is the cutest fucking thing ever.


there's no fucking way this is real. right? i mean, really?

original post can be found here. yeah.

so much for actually writing anything lately. well, anything of worth. i am, however, currently working on lyrics for Astronauts in Love, a side project with my lovely ex, Joe (yes, i said lovely, and surprisingly, we do get along swimmingly) - who is also the main man behind Hey Man Far Out. so check 'em out.


This is fucking rad, combining my love of photography, old/vintage/antique artifacts, bygone eras, and that staple of 1950's/60's teenage Americana, bowling. Yes, bowling.

Love it.


goin' faster than a rollercoaster

it's not a crime to know exactly what you want.

it's a crime only when you waste others' time.

so from here on out, you're gonna get only the bare-bones of my soul, naked and vulnerable.

if you're not willing to risk it, then you're not doing anything worthwhile at all.

...oh god, there i go again with the cliches. the next post will be about something fun, i promise. like mixtapes and thrift stores. fall weather, warm sweaters and that butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling. hahah. i promise.


"Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk — real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious." Yeah, Kerouac. Sing it.

Recently, someone mentioned something about missing high school... how going back made him yearn for that time, or what-have-you, and I really just do not understand that feeling. Why yearn for something that has already happened? Why not make your present someplace you really want to be?

You can either yearn for better times, or you can try to make the best of what you currently have.

But god, how schmaltzy... How cliche! Honesty can be such a letdown. I'd rather be that walking contradiction; partly truth and partly fiction.

The biggest letdown is always when you give in, when the game stops. It's the tension that keeps people interested. The movie always ends once the central characters get together. What they don't tell you is why- because once they end up together, the magic is gone. The shark has been jumped.

Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about. Maybe it's just been the wrong people, all this time.


why be half of a weak embrace?

(there aren't enough "i told you so's" to even cover the situation)

but this managed to make me smile (spoken in reference to the situation):

"pretty girls bounce back"

they always do, don't they?